
4 Princeboy Stableboy Small.jpg

Princeboy meets Stableboy. But Princeboy is not necessarily a prince (or a boy) and Stableboy is definitely not a stable (or a boy). But they sort of are. Thrones are sat upon. Horses are ridden. The dances have the strangest partner ratios. Love may or may not occur.


by Diana Lobontiu


Sunday, May 16th at 7:00-9:30 ET (6:00-8:30 CT; 4:00-6:30 PT)

Doors open at 6:45 ET, stop by early to chat a bit! Introductions begin at 7:05 ET.

Note: This reading is 30 min longer than usual to accommodate the length of the piece.

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 838 1105 0431


PRINCEBOY — Katie Stueckle

STABLEBOY — Gina Fonseca

FIRST GROOM / GWENDOLYN — Christopher DeSantis

SECOND GROOM / PENELOPE — Tim Bermudez-Sanders


QUEEN / FATHER — Mal Malme

Stage Directions — Eddie Vitcavage

Playwrights Questions

  1. I would like to get general feedback on what stood out to the audience, what they remember, what was interesting, etc.

  2. I am particularly interested in how people perceive the ensemble characters and whether they help the main plot concerning Princeboy/Stableboy, or detract from it.

  3. Currently, the Grooms are playing their own love interests. What would people think of them playing different characters, such that Gwendolyn, for example, is played by one actor, and First Groom (her Groom love interest) is played by another and we see two actors interacting instead of one actor playing two roles?

  4. I am interested in the presentation of gender diversity in this play, and how it differs between Princeboy/Stableboy and the rest of the cast. What are people's thoughts on that?


By Design


A Map of Virtue