Actor Applications

To apply please send us an email with the following documents in PDF form:

  1. A headshot, or clear picture of yourself

  2. A recent resume without your email or phone number provided

  3. A reel.

    • If you do not have a reel, please submit any of the following: two contrasting monologues, one monologue, or tell us a story (You can tell us about your day or a time you enjoyed yourself, whatever you like!). Please aim for under 3 minutes. This does not need to be immaculate work—no need to edit the footage, we just need a sense for your voice and the energy you bring. Submit what you feel shows you best. If you are not able to submit footage, please email us and we will work something out.

  4. A song

    • If you are a singer and would like to be in musicals, please submit a video of you singing a musical theater or pop/rock song. If you are a belter, submitting a song showing off that skill would be helpful. You are welcome to submit more than one. This is not meant to be perfect or flawlessly edited, we just need to get a sense of your tone and range.


  1. The link to your website